Monday, September 20, 2010

Mark Fenton, Pedestrian Advocate will speak at the Greenway Conference

Cherokee Nation Healthy Nation Program Presents:

Creating Happy Healthy Communities Workshops

Pedestrian Advocate and nationally recognized expert on Healthy Communities

Mark Fenton will present about what it means to have a healthy community. He will discuss how health, transportation, environment, land-use and economic development advocates can influence policies and investments to encourage communities that are designed to support healthy eating active living. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in discussion on how these goals can be achieved at the local level.

Wednesday September 29th, 2010 • GREENWAY PLANNING CONFERENCE: 8 am-3 pm; CAMP EGAN-- 26633 Highway 62, Tahlequah, OK. This is an organizing conference in which greenway intent, goals and governance will be planned.

REGISTRATION: If you are planning to attend this event, please email your name, address, phone number to Kathy Tibbits:

Who should attend? Parents, School Administration, Educators, City/Town/Tribal Zoning and Planning, Elected Officials, City/Tribal Councilors, Business Leaders, City Street Departments, County Commissioners, Chamber of Commerce, Concerned Citizens that are interested in making the healthy choice the easy choice in their communities.